All about Roses

June is surely the month for Roses above all else. Roses sometimes carry a reputation for being difficult, all the different types, pruning and feeding. But a few key pieces of information will help you to understand how to choose a rose for each situation and get the best display all summer long. Roses are hungry shrubs: most are strong growing...

Happy New Year, happy new garden?

You do not have to move house or undertake a complete makeover to feel that you have a new garden in time for the summer. Changing a planting style or colour scheme can radically alter the appearance of a garden. Fairly minor changes to the layout of paths and borders can dramatically improve the usability of a garden. And whether...

There is more to Christmas than Holly

Whether December is mild and wet or freezing cold it is a month when not much time is spent in the garden. So prepare to bring the garden indoors as you decorate for Christmas. There are plenty of evergreens to choose from to supplement the traditional holly, ivy and conifer foliage.   The berries in this garland are from a Skimmia, unlike...

Does your front garden cut the mustard?

There may not be much actively growing in the garden in winter but now is the perfect time to take a long, hard look at your front garden and decide if it could do with some tweaking. We all want to walk or drive home and be greeted by a garden that looks like it belongs, emphasises the best in the...

Plants for difficult places

We all have a corner of the garden where conditions are tough either because of the soil or a lack of light.  Here are some suggestions for getting the best from diifficult places: If possible improve the soil & work with nature instead of fighting it & losing! Organic matter helps improve soil strucutre, wter holding capacity and also drainage. Shade is...