Gardening, mental health and STH are all big subjects and there are loads of resources from the UK and overseas that explain and inspire. I have added links to a few of the documents and websites that I have found useful, plus of course my Gardening by Design YouTube channel GardeningbyDesignUK where you will find quick gardening tips, longer tutorials and examples of my talks.
My own YouTube channel where you will find quick gardening tips, longer tutorials and examples of my talks.
Being in the Garden: Human being, Well being, Just being thoughts from Alison Playlist
Quick Gardening Tips from Alison Playlist
Full video tutorials Playlist
Gardening for wellbeing Playlist
Sample Gardening talks Playlist
One complete talk plus examples of the slides that I use to illustrate and explain.
Some of the most readable summaries of research into the benefits of engagement with nature and the ways that this can be leveraged at a societal level.
A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment, published by HM Government Defra, 2018 Link
One key aims is/was to connect people to the natural environment to improve their health and wellbeing. One of the ways to connect people with the natural environment and engage them in nature-based activities to support wellbeing is through Green social prescribing.
I have visited all these gardens and you will see some photos from them used here on my website. You might also spot some photos from these gardens in my Being in the Garden videos – where better to focus on your wellbeing than in an inspiring garden? Click the thumbnails to see more.
Check for visitor information and opening times with the garden before visiting.
Riverhill Himalayan Gardens, Kent
All the photographs of me were taken in the lovely gardens at Riverhill.
Open March to October.
Pashley Manor Gardens, East Sussex
The banner of the Resources page is a photo of Pashley Manor.
Open April to September.
Great Comp Garden, Kent
The banner of the Social & Therapeutic Horticulture page is a photo of Great Comp.
Open March to October
Borde Hill Garden, West Sussex
The banner of the Blog page is a photo of Borde Hill
Open mid February to December
Luton Hoo Walled Garden, Bedfordshire
Denmans, West Sussex
Papers published in the public domain or free to access journals that shed light on Mental Health Recovery and STH.
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Gardens for People with Dementia: A Systematic Review, 2021 Link