Gardening is good for body & soul
As gardeners we know that gardening is good for you. Here are just a few of the benefits that you get from gardening. Share with friends and family who are so busy looking after their wellbeing that they think that they do not have time for gardening and let’s convert a few more people!
Whether allotment, garden or balcony gardening takes you into fresh air on a regular basis
Gardening touches all senses: feathery foliage, rustling leaves, colours, flower scents but only eat what you can positively identify
There’s always something to plan for: the gardening year starts now for flowers & fruit next summer
Exercise: from gentle deadheading to vigorous digging depending on your starting health & fitness
Many gardening tasks allow you to think about other things at same time, solve problems & make decisions
Work out your stress & frustrations digging ground or raking leaves & get a worthwhile result too!
There’s always something to learn: new plant names, new propagation methods, new veg to grow
Gardening keeps you optimistic; I’m sure that weather, flowers, harvest will be better next year
Meet new friends: gardeners are welcoming & sociable, happy to chat, swap seeds, plants & tips.
Community gardens, ‘friends’ groups for local parks and other volunteering opportunities mean that you can enjoy the benefits even without your own plot to dig. It’s a wonder that there are still non-gardeners to be enlightened J